Saturday, July 27, 2024

How to Soundproof a Closet

Do you know that you can make your soundproof closet into a private theater or a music recording studio where you can quietly practice drumming? But how to soundproof a closet? If you’re searching for solutions to soundproof a closet, well, you’ve come into the right place!

This article will help in creating a quieter sound booth or recording vocals without disturbing your family or neighbors. Real soundproofing can be very costly and complicated; however, there are a few less expensive options that we will discuss with you. Let’s get right to it!

Picking Out the Right Closet

The first step is to figure out what kind of closet will work best for you. Most households have at least a few closets in their houses, and they are often used. The simplest method to go about it is to find something that is tiny enough and not in use.
The majority of people choose either a closet underneath the stairs or one on the top floor. Both arrangements have their own set of benefits. Stair closets are often small and tucked away inside a property. That means there are few sounds, for the most part, however, some people complain about how noisy the stairs maybe when someone is walking up or down them.
A closet upstairs will not produce as much noise as a closet downstairs. Consider those living in an apartment or any other communal space. It’s not difficult to hear people moving around upstairs, but it’s much more difficult to hear what’s going on downstairs. The same rules apply here, which means that by building on the top level, a person may not have to spend as much money on soundproofing material.

So, How to Soundproof a Closet?

Closet Floor

Add Rugs or Carpet

As indicated in the article on How to Soundproof a Dorm Room, adding carpets and thick rugs can help lessen the impact sound, which will lessen vibrations through the floor. A carpet in your closet may make a significant difference. Sometimes the smallest of details have the most significant results. Now, What a carpet can accomplish is very astonishing, especially if it’s thick! Placing a carpet on the floor will not only soundproof it, but will also prevent noises from bouncing, which is the most common cause of echoes.
As you know, echoes are the most common cause of noises sounding louder than they are. If you don’t already have one, it’s a good idea to have one. Instead of a regular carpet, you can choose an interlocking carpet, which is excellent at sound absorption (read about interlocking carpets on

Video: How to Soundproof a Floor – MuteMat® Installation

Closet Door


Weatherstripping is one of our favorite soundproofing materials, as we’ve said before on Silence Wiki. It’s very inexpensive, and if you have a badly sealed door, it may be a highly effective sound-blocking technique! Most closet doors aren’t soundproof, they’re often thin and fragile, and they don’t fit their frames properly. To seal the space between the door and the frame, weather stripping might be applied. Simply follow these simple instructions:
Step 1 Remove the weather stripping’s adhesive back
Step 2 Determine the exact location of the door’s contact with the frame
Step 3 Install weather stripping on all four sides of your door
When you close your closet door, you should notice a considerably tighter seal, making it more difficult for airborne sound to escape (or enter).

Video: 15 Best Ways on How to Soundproof a Door

Closet Wall

1. Add a Second Layer of Drywall

This is certainly the most effective method, but it is also the most expensive. Adding a second layer of drywall is effective because it doubles the mass, which is what sound dampening is really all about. Adding another layer of drywall to your closet won’t solve the problem on its own, you’ll also need a noise-proofing sealant like Green Glue (official website).
It may be a viable alternative if your walk-in closet is not too large, as it is a bit more expensive and for a smaller space. If you do have a budget, though, we urge that you go for it since it works like magic and keeps your closet very quiet!

2. Hang Acoustic Panels

From the most expensive method, we will work our way down to the lowest. We’d say that they’re both as successful but in somewhat different ways. As previously stated, drywall aids in the prevention of sound transmission through a wall.
Acoustic foam, on the other hand, keeps it from bouncing about the closet rather than preventing it from leaving or entering. You’ve definitely seen acoustic foam panels in studios and perhaps even a few apartments. They often resemble soft rows of little pyramids or triangles. They come in a variety of sizes and shapes, but they’re virtually typically mounted as a panel.
Of course, simply having foam panels isn’t enough. For a better result, you’ll likely want to combine them with another technique. Because they have been shown to lessen reverberation and absorb echoes, acoustic foam panels come in comparable forms and patterns (read about soundproofing materials on

3. Install Mass Loaded Vinyl

This is certainly one of our favorite soundproofing materials because it is SUPER effective at soundproofing! Because a closet is often not very thick, soundproofing requires the use of heavy and thick materials. And MLV is one of the few heavy materials that can be used to soundproof any surface. Cut it to the desired size using a knife before installing it. Next, adhere it to the surface with spray glue, nails, or screws.
However, be aware that the industrial smell might take up to 3-4 days to dissipate. So, before installation, we recommend opening the box and keeping it out in the open for a few days. For the greatest results, make sure the vinyl has been applied to all sides of the closet. Soundproofing tape can also be used to fill up any gaps between the vinyl sheets.
Mass-loaded vinyl is all you’ll need to really soundproof the closet walls. Furthermore, because it absorbs both high and low-frequency sound waves, it will significantly minimize echo (pros and cons of MLV on

4. Install Moving Blankets

It is true that blankets may be used to soundproof a closet. Thick, dense materials with absorbing characteristics act like magic when it comes to sound dampening.
You can cover the walls with whichever blankets you choose, but the golden rule is to make sure they are thick enough! Related: Noise Reducing Curtains: Comprehensive Guide
That’s the reason why we recommend moving blankets, which are quite thick and absorb most noises and reverberations. Again, soundproofing anything without spending a lot of money is difficult, but changing blankets will substantially lessen the amount of sound transferred in your closet.

5. Install Bass Traps

Bass traps are meant to absorb acoustic (sound) energy, particularly low-frequency sound like that produced by music with a powerful bassline. If you intend on practicing your band or playing some tunes in your closet, the other residents in your home will thank you for installing bass traps!
Bass traps work best when placed in the corners of a room; in fact, almost all bass traps are intended to fit into a corner. Simply place them in the four corners of your room or in your closet, and you’re ready to go!
However, if you won’t be making any low-frequency noises, bass traps aren’t necessary. These are specifically designed to counteract it.

6. Get a Reflection Filter

Now, you may buy a ready-made soundproofed reflection filter if you wish to soundproof your closet for recording. Reflection filters are excellent since they are acoustically treated and do almost everything you desire.
If you live in an apartment and aren’t permitted to alter the construction of your closet, the reflection filter will work wonders for you. The only drawback is that reflection filters will work well if you only require a limited space or are recording vocals or voice-over.

7. Fill the Racks

Sound is known to be reflected off walls, resulting in echoes. Filling up those empty closet racks is one of the greatest methods to reduce echoes in a closet. If at all possible, fill them with clothing and books. This will also aid in the reduction of impact noise. In the long term, minimizing echo in a room can enhance the acoustics of your space, resulting in cleaner recordings and improved stereo audio quality.

Video: How to Soundproof a Wall – 7 Easy DIY Ways!

Other Solutions

Buy a pair of noise-canceling headphones! I’m sure this won’t be as useful for some of you, but depending on why you’re attempting to soundproof your closet, it might make all the difference.
If you want to avoid being bothered by outside noise, investing in a good set of noise-canceling headphones may save you a lot of time and work. There are many excellent noise-canceling headphones available; just make sure you get the correct pair for you.
Next, you might have a computer, a laptop, or another electronic device. Whatever it is, it will make a lot of noise. As a result, we recommend creating an IsoBox, which is a noise-canceling and cooling computer box (How To Build Your Own Soundproof Isolation Computer Case on
If your air conditioner is troubling you, you may close up any gaps in the wall surrounding it or remove the vents. You may also make a sound dampener to place in front of the air conditioner to soundproof it while you work.

In Сonclusion

Soundproofing does not have to be expensive. It’s a simple project that will only take a few hours of your time, but you’ll be pleased you did it at the end. Soundproofing a closet can be a difficult and costly task, but we tried our best to offer you the most cost-effective solution. I hope you found this article useful, and don’t forget to look at our other soundproofing solutions!

Video: Turning A Closet Into A Recording Studio – CHEAP DIY!

Flick Emil Henricus

I'm a 34-year-old freelance musician and soundproofing specialist, DIY enthusiast, blog author, and Silence Wiki founder originally from the Netherlands. I've been a musician for over 15 years now - playing all sorts of instruments but especially guitar and saxophone. As a soundproofing specialist, I help people with their acoustic needs in order to make them happy! I also enjoy DIY projects around the house or wherever else they are needed - thanks to my wife who always has great ideas!

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