Saturday, July 27, 2024

How to Soundproof Your Motorcycle Helmet: Have a Comfortable Ride

Do you want to have a comfortable ride on your motorcycle? Then it is important that you don’t let the sound of traffic and other vehicles ruin your day. Traffic noise is one of the most unpleasant things about riding a motorcycle is having to deal. This kind of noise can be deafening and stressful, as it causes you to lose concentration on what’s going on around you. Also, if you like riding on your motorcycle for long distances you must be ready for your engine will still be loud and it can get very annoying after riding for some time.

maxresdefault 4 How to Soundproof Your Motorcycle Helmet: Have a Comfortable Ride

Another thing to consider is that wind noise while you are on the road can become extremely irritating if you do not have good soundproofing in your helmet.

If you do not want your eardrums blown out by sudden noises either so protecting them is really important! You can do this wearing motorcycle helmets with soundproofing technology built into them. Let’s take a look at some tips you can use to soundproof your motorcycle helmet to reduce noise adn have a comfortable ride.

How to Soundproof a Motorcycle Helmet?

A motorcycle helmet is made of a hard outer shell and impact-absorbing layer, which works as a cushion to protect your head. The inside of the helmet is made out of foam to absorb shock. Unfortunately, this cushioning can also make your ride very noisy.

There are many ways you can soundproof a motorcycle helmet using different materials and methods that will not affect its safety features or how it fits on your head. Let’s take a look at the most effective ways to soundproof your motorcycle helmet.

Wear a Helmet that Fits Your Head Properly

One of the main reasons your helmet is very noisy while you are riding, especially if it does not fit perfectly on your head. If the padding inside the helmet has shifted or become compressed after a long drive then that will also make noise when the wind blows against its sides and bottom causing vibration.

Motorcycle helmets should be comfortably snug when placed upon your head so there is no loose space between you and it to minimize turbulence and provide extra soundproofing benefits. It needs to sit parallel to both cheeks with even pressure around all sides at about two fingers width away from eyebrows for safety purposes. There shouldn’t be any twists in material but rather smooth curves hugging face contours without gaps where air can enter which means less noise traveling into ears through open spaces. A snug helmet will also help keep your head from bobbing around and neck muscles from tensing up which can lead to fatigue.

This way even without any soundproofing installed, the helmet will be absorbing some of the sounds and you won’t have to worry about it.

Use a Motorcycle Helmet Wind Blocker

If your helmet is not equipped with a wind blocker it’s time to start looking for one. Wind blockers are usually made of a flexible material that is similar in feel to your regular padding but this special material will be thicker and designed so air doesn’t easily pass through while at high speeds. This type of technology can really help reduce noise levels by minimizing turbulence which would normally travel into an open helmet space or ear area.

You can add a wind blocker device to your helmet if it is not already included in the box. They are very easy to install, you just have to place it on top of your regular padding and secure them with adhesive straps or use glue from inside out (depending on what model you purchase). The most common material used for making these devices is felt but some riders choose other materials such as denim and cork that absorb sound better than standard foam does.

Wear Motorcycle Helmet Earmuffs

One of the best ways to soundproof a motorcycle helmet is by wearing earmuffs. Earmuffs are padded cups that fit around your ears and cover them completely, they help reduce noise entering inside your head through both open spaces between the outer shell and inner padding as well as stopping any sounds from reaching eardrums directly through vibrations.

Motorcycle helmet earmuffs will not only help reduce overall noise levels while increasing comfort but they will also protect eardrums from long-term damage caused by winds blowing straight into them without any protection against vibrations or too little padding absorbing some sounds naturally so hearing doesn’t feel like it is under attack.

Wear Noise-Canceling Earplugs for Motorcycle Riders

Some riders choose to wear noise-canceling earplugs while riding. They are made of a special material that is similar to mufflers used for silencing vehicles and devices, they allow sounds into your ears but at lower decibel levels thanks to the technology built-in them so you can hear sirens blaring or horns honking without risking damage due to constant exposure over long periods of time with loud background noises all around you.

Stuff Your Helmet with Fleece

If you are not willing to spend money on motorcycle helmet earmuffs or wind blockers then choose other materials that will help soundproof your helmet. Fleece is one of the best options because it doesn’t compress over time which means it won’t lose its ability to absorb sounds even after being compressed for months so there is no need to constantly replace them once they wear out. It also works well when stuffed inside helmets, just place a couple of handfuls in empty spaces between padding and shell and make sure all areas around ears and cheekbones get covered by material. If you can’t find enough fleece at home try using cotton balls instead but keep in mind these don’t work as well since they losing their fluffiness pretty quickly.

Wear a Scarf

Scarves can be used as an additional layer of protection against noise pollution while riding on the road, all you have to do is drape them over your head so the wind doesn’t catch under it and push it upwards towards open helmet space or ears where they won’t be any use whatsoever.

Some riders choose to wear leather scarfs around necks but if that’s too much of a hassle try wearing regular cotton ones instead since these will work almost exactly like fleece does, only without having to stuff helmets with handfuls every time before getting on the bike because one scarf is usually enough no matter how big or small the padding on your motorcycle helmet might be.

Fill Your Ear Holes with Memory Foam

Another way to soundproof your motorcycle helmet is by using memory foam and filling the ear space with it. Memory foam molds itself in circular shapes when exposed to heat so it will fit any shape of inner padding perfectly, you only have to use a hairdryer on low temperature for about ten seconds before carefully sticking pieces inside helmets between inner lining and exterior covering if needed or simply stuff them into open spaces around ears.

Wear Face Mask

Wearing a face mask is another useful way to soundproof your motorcycle helmet. Face masks are usually made out of neoprene which means they will also act as wind blockers so if you don’t want cold air blowing into your ears then wearing one can be very beneficial, especially during winter when heating inside helmets doesn’t work well enough in some cases.

Adjust Your Wind Screen

Adjusting motorcycle windscreens is another way to soundproof your helmet. Place the screen as high up on windshields and fairings as possible so it can block air from blowing right into helmets, this will reduce overall noise levels significantly while you ride thanks to lessened airflow inside space between face masks and exterior of motorbike.

Some riders choose to remove their windscreens completely during summer when there’s no need for them but if you don’t want all that noise coming in then adjust them properly until they cover enough area around headspace without reducing visibility too much since some types of masks may obstruct view slightly depending on size and shape.

Close Your Helmet Visor

Another way to soundproof your motorcycle helmet is by closing the visor all the way. Closing helmets 100% will help cut down noise levels because the wind won’t be able to blow through open spaces. But it may depend on the design of your helmet. If you have a flip-up design then it makes sense that such a helmet may not reduce noise as much since they don’t cover the full face. Also, you must keep high attention to how the helmets can handle extra pressure from airflow while riding at higher speeds.

Just remember that no matter how good your helmet design is there’s no way to completely eliminate wind noise so it doesn’t really make sense riding at high speeds with visors closed but if you’re only commuting then closing helmets all the way can do wonders for keeping sound levels down even when going slightly faster than usual.

Buy a Quiet Motorcycle Helmet

Finally, you can buy a motorcycle helmet that’s specially designed to reduce noise levels. There are companies out there that make helmets especially for this purpose in addition to offering other useful features like Bluetooth speakers and intercom systems that allow riders to communicate with each other at high speeds when traveling together in groups.

Some types of these special soundproofed helmets even come with adjustable visors so they’re not completely sealed shut while keeping face masks open enough to keep airflow coming through but wind noise is reduced significantly without it being too much of an issue since the whole point is allowing air into space between inner padding and exterior covering on your headgear.

In any case, you must not think about your motorcycle helmet as an option to reduce noise. You must keep in your mind that wearing a helmet can save your life while riding. Also, it must fit perfectly to have a comfortable ride. If you are sure of these two features you can start to think about soundproofing your motorcycle helmet if it is possible.


Armaan O'Doherty

A 29-year-old engineer who specializes in soundproofing. In his free time, he enjoys doing DIY projects and making music on the side. He has been an amateur musician since high school, and currently plays guitar for a few bands as well as producing electronic music under the name of Armaan D. He also produces a podcast called Silence Wiki which looks at all aspects of noise control.

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