Saturday, July 27, 2024

How to Use Egg Cartons for Soundproofing

In a world where noise pollution is a constant struggle, soundproofing has become an essential element of modern living. But what if we told you that the solution to your noise problems was as simple as a humble egg carton? Yes, you read that right. In recent years, DIY enthusiasts and audiophiles alike have discovered the surprising soundproofing benefits of egg cartons. From professional recording studios to small apartments, egg cartons have proven to be a cheap and effective soundproofing material. In this article, we explore how to use egg cartons for soundproofing and take a closer look at the science behind this innovative technique.

Diy sound diffuser using egg trays. 2 52 screenshot 2 How to Use Egg Cartons for Soundproofing

Egg-citing Soundproofing: Unleashing the Power of Egg Cartons in Your Home Studio, Office, and Beyond

While there may be many DIY projects for making effective noise blockers from materials like foam or cork, these won’t work as well as those made from egg containers because the main purpose of those devices is to block exterior noises instead of just absorbing them. So while professional acoustic panels might cost hundreds of dollars per square foot, an egg box device can easily absorb the same amount of sound for less than $20.

Let’s see what can be soundproofed with egg cartons.

  1. Home recording studio: If you’re a musician or podcaster looking to set up a home recording studio, egg cartons can be a great option for soundproofing. They’re cheap, readily available, and can help to reduce unwanted sound reflections in your recording space.
  2. Apartment living: Living in an apartment can be noisy, especially if you have neighbors who are loud or if you live near a busy street. Using egg cartons to soundproof your walls can help to reduce the amount of noise that enters your living space, creating a more peaceful environment.
  3. Home theater: If you love watching movies or playing video games on a big screen, creating a dedicated home theater space can be a great way to enjoy your favorite entertainment. Using egg cartons to soundproof the room can help to reduce echoes and improve the overall audio quality of your home theater system.
  4. Home office: Working from home can be challenging, especially if you have distractions like noisy neighbors or family members. Using egg cartons to soundproof your home office can help to reduce the amount of outside noise that enters your workspace, creating a more focused and productive environment.
  5. Music practice space: If you play an instrument like the drums or electric guitar, using egg cartons to soundproof your practice space can be a great way to minimize noise for yourself and your neighbors. By reducing the amount of sound that escapes your practice space, you can play your instrument more freely without worrying about disturbing others.

How Effective Are Egg Cartons for Soundproofing?

While the effectiveness of using egg cartons for soundproofing depends on the type of sound you’re trying to reduce, experts agree that egg cartons can absorb sound well. According to sound engineer and producer Glenn Schick, egg cartons can be an effective soundproofing material, particularly in home recording studios. However, Schick notes that egg cartons should not be relied upon as the sole soundproofing material, as they cannot provide complete sound isolation.

In a review of various DIY soundproofing methods, Acoustic Fields recommends using egg cartons as a temporary solution for reducing high frequency reflections and echoes in a room. However, the review notes that egg cartons should not be used as a primary soundproofing material for a recording studio or other professional audio environment.

Despite their limitations, many DIY enthusiasts have found success using egg cartons for soundproofing in various settings. The website The Spruce recommends using egg cartons as an affordable and effective solution for reducing noise in a home office or small practice space.

So, as with any soundproofing project, it’s important to do thorough research and consult with experts to determine the best materials and techniques for your specific needs.

Pros and Cons of Egg Cartons Soundproofing

As with any other material used for soundproofing purposes, there are some pros and cons to using egg cartons as a noise blocker.


Let’s start by taking a look at the positive points of this device:

  • Egg cartons can help to reduce the exterior noises coming from loud neighbors, traffic sounds, and other disruptive factors which can prevent you from working or studying in peace and quiet.
  • They don’t emit any noticeable echo on their own which makes them perfect for recording studios etc.
  • Egg cartons are easy to install in most cases because they are quite lightweight so they can be done without the professional tools or assistance required.
  • Egg cartons are made of lightweight material that can be placed on walls/ceilings without any problems without having to worry might damage your walls and ceilings.
  • They are a cheap alternative to professional acoustic panels which cost hundreds of dollars per square foot.
  • It is easy to test the effectiveness by trying them in your own room/office and see if it helps with reducing exterior noises as they can be removed easily.
  • Can be recycled and used for other DIY projects over and over again.


Now let’s take a closer look at the negative aspects that you have to consider before soundproofing your walls and ceilings with egg cartons:

  • They are not effective against low frequencies. So if you need to reduce such sound frequencies you should better find better insulation.
  • Lightweight material may not be strong enough and can be damage.
  • Egg cartons for soundproofing purposes will only work in small rooms or office spaces. In larger areas, you might need a lot more of such boxes which can add up quickly when it comes to the total price tag.
  • Also, rooms treated with natural materials may smell bad after some time. We suggest installing ventilation systems if you plan to use egg boxes soundproofing for more than a few weeks.

How to use Egg Cartons for Soundproofing: A Step-by-Step Guide

Now that you know the basic information about how egg cartons work to help reduce exterior noises, let’s take a closer look at some soundproofing tips and advice for using these little devices in your own room or office.

Step 1: Gather a Collection of Empty Egg Cartons

You will need to gather a collection of empty egg cartons in order for this soundproofing project to work properly. You can easily get these from grocery stores or restaurants that produce their own eggs at home.

Make sure you only pick the ones with clean surfaces, no cracks, and holes, etc. Also, cut off any labels on them before using them because they might interfere with how well the device absorbs exterior sounds which is what we are aiming for here! Check each container inside to see if it actually has enough space available where air particles have room to move around freely. In this case, the quieter noises can be absorbed better by your new noise blockers/sound absorbers.

Also, make sure to use different types of containers as well because they come in various shapes and sizes which will allow you to adjust the placement inside your room or office according to where exactly you need sound absorption materials more often.

Keep all of the containers somewhere safe until further notice when you start using them.

Step 2: Clean Egg Cartons

To start this project, you need to clean the containers thoroughly before using them. Use warm water and soap with a tiny bit of vinegar in it so they can get rid of all smells which might come from previous food products used with these devices. Make sure there is no smell whatsoever when finished cleaning up!

After that, dry out each container carefully by placing them on some newspapers or towels for at least one day until completely dried through. If not done properly, your sound-absorbing materials may create unpleasant odors or even collect mold inside after long-term use which will affect their performance negatively. So make sure you take enough time here without rushing anything because it is well worth the effort.

Step 3: Prepare the Walls and Ceilings

Next, you will need to prepare your walls and ceilings before installing the egg cartons. This means getting rid of any existing paint or wallpaper so they can get a clean surface to work with for this project. Use either an electric sander or chemical paint remover if needed in order to remove all types of old materials from these surfaces without damaging them further through friction against sandpaper which might leave marks behind as well.

After that, make sure there is no dirt on those areas by using some damp cloths first followed by dry ones until completely cleared out. Finally, use a cleaner made specifically for tiles/walls as it should be effective enough at removing all dust particles left over from the previous cleaning process while drying faster than usual too.

Step 4: Attach the Egg Cartons to the Wall or Ceiling

Now that your walls and ceilings are ready, let’s attach the egg cartons to them. First of all, make sure you place each container at an equal distance from one another using a ruler or measuring tape beforehand so they align perfectly without any empty spaces left between them afterward.

Then use either nails/tacks or adhesive glue by applying it evenly around where you want us sound absorbers attached before pressing down firmly against those surfaces for about 30 seconds until fixed in place completely. If needed, apply more glue onto specific points which might need extra support if too loose already after testing out their position on the wall first because this step is considered as being rather important here.

Make sure you wait for at least two days before doing anything else with your newly installed egg cartons which will allow them to get attached firmly enough so they won’t move around or fall off while in use. If done properly, these sound absorbers will do a great job by blocking sounds entering through doorways/windows while also absorbing any noise produced inside the room too.

Now, go ahead and test them out by playing some music or turning on a radio/TV with high volume levels first for around 20 minutes before checking if any exterior noises can be heard from outside anymore. After that, enjoy your new soundproofed room now where no external noise can come in through walls or ceilings anymore unless they are extremely loud ones too! This means better sleep quality as well as opportunities during daytime hours when everything seems peaceful and quiet instead of chaotic like it used to be before.

Video: How Cheap Egg Cartons Actually Work For Sound Deadening!


Soundproofing a room is not an easy task but there’s no need to spend hundreds of dollars on acoustic panels when using an old egg box could do the trick so easily and cheaply. As long as they’re not crushed under heavy objects they should last for many years before needing replacement which makes this idea a very practical solution. So don’t throw away those egg cartons for now.

Armaan O'Doherty

A 29-year-old engineer who specializes in soundproofing. In his free time, he enjoys doing DIY projects and making music on the side. He has been an amateur musician since high school, and currently plays guitar for a few bands as well as producing electronic music under the name of Armaan D. He also produces a podcast called Silence Wiki which looks at all aspects of noise control.

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