Saturday, July 27, 2024

How To: Soundproofing a Noisy Refrigerator

Do you think soundproofing a noisy refrigerator is not essential? A noisy refrigerator may be quite annoying, especially at night. Whether you have a brand new or old refrigerator, there will almost certainly be some noise. Because your refrigerator must operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, it is only logical that the noise it makes will be consistent.

The majority of the noises your refrigerator makes are normal, and they really show that your fridge is working. However, there are certain changes you may do to decrease the noise emanating from your refrigerator or compressor in some circumstances. So, here are some ideas for making a refrigerator quieter!

What Can You Do If Your Refrigerator Is Making a Noise?

The usual refrigerator noise range is 32 to 47 decibels, and if your refrigerator produces less than 40 dB, you may consider it to be an optimum noise for any modern refrigerator and no repairs are required.

According to the CDC Research Institute, the average noise level in a typical household, library, or refrigerator is 40 decibels, whereas the average noise level for air conditioning is 60 decibels. So, if you need peace of mind, stay away from the refrigerator since there is no solution for it.

What Causes a Noisy Refrigerator and How Can It Be Fixed?

You must first identify the problem before you can begin to repair it. Here are some of the possible causes of your refrigerator’s irritating noises.

Noises like hissing or water dribbling are usually caused by the natural flow of oil or refrigerant within a compressor. A pulsing noise is generally the consequence of your refrigerator’s compressor or fans trying to work properly. A vibrating noise might suggest that your refrigerator isn’t positioned properly on the floor. A rattling noise emanating from your refrigerator might also be caused by loose knobs or doors. Replacing certain elements of the fridge with new ones will generally solve the problem.

Video: FIXED! Refrigerator buzzing vibration extra loud

Soundproofing a Noisy Refrigerator

It should be much better to identify how to make a fridge quieter now that we’ve looked through some of the common noises it produces and where they come from. Here are some of the best innovative ideas for doing so.

1. Level Out the Refrigertors’s Legs

While this isn’t helping the compressor itself, it is one of the simplest problems to address, so it’s a nice place to start. When a refrigerator is placed on an uneven or low-density floor, it might generate a lot more noise than typical. Vibrations will make up a large part of this noise, which is why the floor surface makes such an impact. We discussed vibrations in our article How to Soundproof a Studio. Vibrations have a considerably tougher time passing through tile than they do through the wood. As a result, it is worthwhile to address this issue.

The first thing to do is inspect the legs of the refrigerator. Almost all refrigerators feature independently adjustable legs, enabling you to position them wherever you choose. This is a huge assist for uneven terrain and might nearly quickly solve your problem.

Similarly, these legs may loosen or shift over time as a result of vibrations and ordinary wear. Even if you configured them correctly when you originally installed the refrigerator, it’s recommended to double-check them. Giving your fridge a little shake is the simplest method to do this. If it moves, make the necessary adjustments to the legs. It can be beneficial to enlist the aid of another person to shake the refrigerator while you keep an eye on the legs or vice versa.

Video: Level Your Refrigerator

2. Put the Refrigerator on the Mat

If you’ve considered adjusting the legs and your refrigerator is still vibrating on the floor, placing it on a mat is the next best thing to do. Obviously, something more solid than a regular rug is required, but fortunately, there are particular soundproofing materials available for this purpose.

The mats are constructed of a material called butyl rubber, which is a thick and brittle material. It’s a great material for absorbing sound waves and vibrations. The mats are often less than an inch thick, yet they perform excellently!

If you can’t find the household kind, alternatives like mass-loaded vinyl or car sound deadening mats can suffice. Simply measure the size of your fridge or the floor beneath it before cutting the mat to fit (read more about Mass Loaded Vinyl on

3. Clean Your Refrigerator’s Compressor and Fan

Maintenance is essential for every piece of equipment, and if you want your appliance to last, you must take care of it. Cleaning the dust and debris from the compressor and fan is fairly simple. It also aids in the reduction of maintenance costs.

This is the only portion that needs to be cleaned since cleaning the compressor and fan isn’t enough; your fridge has additional parts on the inside and exterior that need to be cleaned as well. Instead of making a loud noise, a clean refrigerator is more likely to make a very gradual noise. Do not attempt to clean its components; instead, wipe the surface with a dry towel. It will also extend the life of your refrigerator, saving you money, but you will have to devote some time to it!

Video: How to Clean the Condenser Coil on a Refrigerator

4. Construct a Wooden Housing

This is useful if your refrigerator is housed in wood, and it is also simple to construct. However, do not cover the full structure and slides because ventilation is critical. Do you know why everything that makes a noise needs a cover? Because you will experience mental tension if you hear it all the time. Plus, this will give your kitchen a more contemporary appearance.

Also, because curtains are easier to utilize than sidebars, you may use them instead of sidebars for wooden houses. You’ll be able to hold on to it with ease. This is a very delicate task to perform because if you cover the entire rear of your refrigerator, it will not be able to expel the gas. If it can’t, you’ll have to deal with other issues with your refrigerator.

This will help protect your refrigerator from scrapes and unruly children. If you know how to build it, go ahead and do so; if not, simply make an order with the carpenter.

5. Soundproof the Rear of the Refrigerator

One of the most difficult aspects of trying to make a refrigerator compressor quieter is that you’re restricted in what you can do. The compression coils in the refrigerator’s back are where the fluids flow to discharge surplus heat energy. This, however, implies that they can’t be concealed. This may cause the refrigerator to overheat, causing the compressor to overwork and fail. Clearly, a broken refrigerator isn’t the point of this article, so your solutions will have to be a little more inventive.

Instead of installing soundproofing to the rear of the refrigerator, mount it to the wall. As long as the distance between the fridge and the wall isn’t too great, this should suffice. However, because sound waves are so excellent at this, some sound will almost certainly escape.

Using a combination of sound masking and acoustic treatment methods is recommended. This is because you’ll want to keep as much sound from escaping through the wall and into the air as possible. As a result, you’ll need to use an inter strategy. Because the majority of the noise produced by the compressor will be airborne, you’ll want to invest in products that will trap the sound waves and prevent them from rebounding off the wall. Acoustic foam paneling, as well as Rockwool acoustic cavity wall insulation, will suffice.

Similarly, attaching a piece of mass-loaded vinyl to the wall behind your refrigerator can eliminate any potential impact noises. Because mass-loaded vinyl is a flimsy substance, it does not transmit vibrations generated by sound waves. Instead, it just prevents them from doing so.

Video: Can you silence a fridge with acoustic foam?

6. Consider Relocating The Refrigerator

The location of your refrigerator has a significant impact on the amount of noise that reaches you. Changing the location is a simple yet effective approach. Choose a wall dent that may be successfully covered with acoustic heatproof foam deadener. Depending on how much money you want to spend, there are a number of those panels on the market nowadays.

After you’ve taken the appropriate measurements based on the size and form of your refrigerator, you may install acoustic deadeners around the dent to decrease the sound it makes. It’s crucial to remember that those deadeners have a dual purpose: they can absorb a lot of the unpleasant sound that comes from your fridge and they can also lessen vibrations that are most likely coming from the compressor.

7. Do Not Set Your Refrigerator To A Very Low Temperature

This is something that most people overlook, yet it may be quite hazardous to your refrigerator. We understand that refrigerators are designed to withstand cold temperatures, but you’re talking about commercial refrigerators. Domestic refrigerators are not designed to withstand extremely low temperatures, but if you leave them running at the same temperature for an extended period of time, they will begin to make an unpleasant noise.

Furthermore, such sizzling noise is generated by the cooling chamber. Because the ambient temperature is constantly quite high, it will turn into vapor when a water drop falls on it. The second sound is produced when the wall shrinks and expands, which may also occur at very low temperatures. So we recommend that you only use it at regular temperatures, or if you wish, lower the temperature, but not to a very low degree.

In Conclusion

As part of its normal operation, a refrigerator will always generate some noise. If it’s bothering you, relocating it to a different area could be enough to remedy the problem. If this isn’t an option, make sure the fridge is on a level surface, preferably in an alcove or enclosure, and maintain it at least three-quarters full.

Is it still insufficient? Replace the refrigerator or install soundproofing materials. It’s critical to select a solution that you can both afford and that maintains the noise level at a level that you can live with. Home should be your safe haven, and perhaps these suggestions will help you.

Video: How to Make a Refrigerator Quieter – 6 Easy Steps!

Flick Emil Henricus

I'm a 34-year-old freelance musician and soundproofing specialist, DIY enthusiast, blog author, and Silence Wiki founder originally from the Netherlands. I've been a musician for over 15 years now - playing all sorts of instruments but especially guitar and saxophone. As a soundproofing specialist, I help people with their acoustic needs in order to make them happy! I also enjoy DIY projects around the house or wherever else they are needed - thanks to my wife who always has great ideas!

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